30 Giffords Lane, Staten Island, NY 10308
Food and Beverage - 10308
99.33Building Sqft
About 30 Giffords, Staten Island
Amazing opportunity to own three businesses in one. · Mercado Ariana Restaurant · Mexican Food market · Uncle Louie G Italian Ices and Ice Cream Franchise. Enter and Enjoy a Specialty Margarita as you sit at the bar waiting for your table, or take out order. Enjoy your choice of pleasurable indoor or outdoor dining.
Facts & Features
Subtype | Food and Beverage |
County | Richmond |
Tax Abated | No |
List Price per Sqft | $99.33 |
Zoning | R3-2 |
Electric | 220 Volts |
Heating System | Forced |
Air Conditioner | Units |
Area | Eltingville |
Year Built | 2019 |
Building Sqft | 99.33 |
Sewer | City |
Heating Source | Natural Gas |
# of Heating Units | 1 |
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Listing Office: Neuhaus Realty, Inc.